7+ Vocabulary for Talking About Free Time

You will likely be asked about leisure time on IELTS Speaking and Writing. Today you’ll learn band 7 and higher idioms and vocabulary for talking about free time. Get your free IELTS Masterclass at First of all, remember that British English, the version of English in which the questions are written on the exam, usually don’t say free time. They say ‘leisure time’. Also know that you must show the examiner some idiomatic, interesting language in order to get a 7 or higher for Vocabulary on the Speaking Exam. Even in Writing, you can use one or two idioms to push up your vocabulary score, as long as they are not too informal. These phrases can be used to answer common Speaking questions like: “What do you like to do in your leisure time?“ “Do you do the same activities now as you did when you were a child?“ “How have leisure activities among young people changed in recent years?“ 7 Vocabulary for Free Time Guilty pleasure- something you like to do in your free time that maybe isn’t super healthy or very educational Social butterfly- someone who is really good at talking to people and really enjoys being in a big group of people and is very lively Take it easy- relax, chill Crazy/Mad about- you really love something Watch the video for examples of how to use these idioms in your answers. Then, choose 2-3 of today’s phrases and add them to your vocabulary notebook. Practice using them the next time you speak English! Visit our website for more resources: Share this video if you found it helpful!
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