The Hall Of Knowledge: A Nubian Song

A longtime Oakland resident, Mr. El Din was a subtle master of the oud, the Arabic precursor of the lute, and the tar, the single-skinned drum that originated in Nubia, the ancient upper Nile land that was largely submerged after the Aswan Dam was built in the 1960s. Mr. El Din sought to preserve his native culture, singing Nubian songs and stories in a warm, reedy voice that merged with his instrumental overtones to create music of quiet intensity and beauty. “It was mesmerizing. Hypnotic and trancelike,’’ said Grateful Dead drummer Mickey Hart. “Hamza taught me about the romancing of the drum. His music was very subtle and multilayered. “He was a deep listener,’’ added Hart, who practiced daily for six years to master the tar Mr. El Din gave him. Sometimes the music they played together was so soft “we could hardly hear ourselves. He’d just suck you into this vortex, and all of a sudden what was quiet seemed loud in its intensity. He suspended time.’
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