Gokushufudou: The Way of the House Husband PV English Translation

Not sure if this was translated already, but since I couldn’t find this on youtube (please note that I’m incredibly lazy when it comes to looking for videos in general since I only really use youtube and bilibili so I have no idea if this was done already though it wouldn’t surprise me if it was), and because I found this hilarious, I ended up translating this for myself and uploaded the subtitled file I made here (whoops i left an error in this). I can only translate from Chinese into English so my translation of this may not be 100% accurate (meaning I found translations that were in Chinese from someone who translated this from Japanese into Chinese).... though I will say that I don’t really like repeating words which is why the last 2 “hora“ translations are different (in my defence, I did also have 3 different translations of that in Chinese)... Anyway, I don’t know how to say that this video was made using the content (the video itself) of another person’s
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