Keep Support Your Spiritual Guide, so the Heavens Keep Supporting You

Video Chapters : 00:00 Entering the 4th Holy Month of Rabi’ul Thani 01:06 Living a life of service renews and strengthens our faith! 02:14 Prophet ﷺ is the Clear Imam who leads all creation to Allah (AJ) 04:23 The kingdom of Allah (AJ) is under Most Compassionate Most Merciful, anything else is satanic kingdom 06:08 If they don’t operate from this key in the physical realm then they don’t have that key in the heavenly realm 07:35 The wisdom of Prophet ﷺ warning us of Dajjal’s Deceit 08:24 The awliya (saints) are un-shakeable mountains which keep the true co-ordinance for the nation through deception 12:14 As deception increases, anchor yourself to these mountains to keep yourself calibrated 13:23 Those who commit to supporting their Shaykh and his projects are immensely blessed by his gaze 17:40 Hold tighter as the storm is increasing, its not a time to retire but to increase propagation 18:12 The animes and short videos coming out are like lasers against sa
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