How to network C++ variables in Unreal; UPROPERTY Replication (Normal& Push) - UE C++ Tutorial 5 Pt3

How to set up replicated variables in C (ieUPROPERTY replication). Both the old and easy way. And the new fast push replication model. Part of the UPROPERTY Basics mini series within my larger unreal engine tutorial series. While the legacy method of replication still seems to be a valid way of replicating (based on lyra project), the new “push“ replication is used in much of the base engine, like scene nodes components (USceneComponent). Here I go over how to do both types of replication. First setting up proper UPROEPRTY keywords. Then listing it as being replicated in GetLifetimeReplicatedProps After that we use OnRep variables to get callbacks for when a variable replicates to the client. Lastly, we debug the entire set up with breakpoints to see it all working together. 0:00 GetLifetimeReplicatedProps virtual override 0:37 Replicated UPROPERTY keyword (old way) 0:57 DOREPLIFETIME (old way) 1:35 ReplicatedUsing UPROPERTY with OnRep UFUNCTION
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