Wargaming United to Support Ukraine

Check the official page to learn more about WargamingUnited charity project: Over the past year and a half, Wargaming has made significant contributions to help Ukrainian civilians. We believe in the power of unity and are committed to continuing our efforts. Today, we invite all our players to join us in supporting those affected by the war as we launch our biggest charity project — WargamingUnited. From October 18th to November 1st six of our games — World of Tanks, World of Tanks Blitz, World of Tanks Modern Armor, World of Warships, World of Warships: Legends, and World of Warplanes — will feature special Ukraine-themed bundles with customization elements crafted by the artists at our Kyiv studio. All funds* will go via UNITED24 platform to buy C-type ambulances that will take on the duty to save lives. Stand united with us across all our games to make a significant impact. #WargamingUnited The footage contains materials
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