What makes China so damn fast? What do we mean when we say “China Speed”? - Pascal’s China Lens 51

What makes China so damn fast? What do we mean when we say “China Speed”? #chinasnewnormal #chinaspeed Remark: Made a mistake in name of the 100 meter sprinter SU BINGTIAN, where I said Sun Bingtian. CONTENT 00:50 Can the West keep up with the Speed of China? Yes, but we might need to learn to work as hard as an athlete, think like an entrepreneur and collaborate like friends or family. 01:05 Which examples are used to describe China Speed? We typically will talk about the change of the cities since 1980, the high-speed train network, the delivery speed or technology catch up, such as supercomputers or AI. 02:12 Why do people say China is very slow? The reason has to do with inefficiency of labor or systems, the red tape or bureaucracy, the risk averse mentality of staff and the laid-back lifestyle of many Chinese. 03:32 Is China fast or slow? It is both. Speed mostly depends on the priority or worry of the leader/boss. Slowness mostly
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