Breaking Bad || Like Being Low

BEST QUALITY: 1080p HD WARNINGS: Violence, Spoilers, Disturbing Images. Hey everyone! Wow so it’s been quite a while since I made a BB video. And it’s been a while since I made any video, at all, really. I apologize for the lack of uploads lately. It’s just that I’ve been really busy studying for finals because school for me ends on the 24th so I kind of need to focus more on that, and once I finish school, then you can definitely see me uploading more frequently. It’s just I haven’t had as much time as I usually have! :( But I promise, i’ll be more consistent with my uploads once I get all my finals and stuff done for the year. :) Anyways, I heard this song a while back and I wanted to make a video with it because I thought it fit Breaking Bad extremely well, and well I had the idea for a long time, I just haven’t had the time to get to finishing it. Hope you guys enjoy! Wow, Just 3 months until the final 8 air! I couldn’t be more excited
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