Little Etude No 5. Easy violin study in 1st position accompaniment. Slow practice video

Little Violin Etude No.5 by Fiona Vilnite. Slow practice video backing track/accompaniment, including sheet music with a moving cursor. This easy etude in A major is designed to develop a steady hand position in 1st position, whilst exploring a couple of tricks - a natural harmonic on the A (La) string and a left-hand pizzicato on the E string. Though not commonly used in the beginner repertoire, these effects can be easily achieved with a little experimentation. Feel free to speed up or slow down the video as required. Use the cursor on the sheet music to help sight-read and identify areas that need further practice. Repeat as many times as needed! Have fun! Happy Practising! Thanks so much for watching. Please subscribe for more practice videos and explorations into the violin repertoire and technique development!
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