10 Minute Arm Toner | Total Body Transformation Workout

You guys, today’s Total Body Transformation arm workout is gonna be your BIGGEST CHALLENGE YET!!! That’s because we’re doing this with weights. YUP. If you don’t have weights, you can also do this workout without them, but I want you to push yourself a little harder today and find 2 equally weighted water bottles, books, or anything you can grab!!! You have 8 arm moves today, starting with a shoulder burn, then moving to triceps, with a little bit of biceps at the end. We’ll do each for 1 minute with a 15 second break in between. They are: 1. Front Raise 2. Side Raise 3. Elevated Bicep Curl 4. Tricep Kickbacks 5. Overhead triceps 6. Upright Row 7. Bicep Curl to Shoulder Press 8. Shoulder Press Pulses Workout starts at 2:42! Here is where I get all of my music! Epidemic Sound: Yoga mat is from: ****** Cassey Ho is an a
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