Increasing your chances of conceiving a boy or girl with expert Kathryn Taylor

In the deepest part of you, have you ever longed for the experience of raising a daughter? Or dreamt about what it would feel like to have a little boy about the place? There’s a reason thoughts of having a baby of a particular biological sex are shrouded in secrecy, self judgement and a profound shame. “Gender” disappointment is a real term with an unfortunate name (we all know there is a fundamental difference between sex and gender) today on The Mother Daze we dive into this taboo subject with microbiology, immunology & molecular genetics expert and author of The Babydust Method, Kathryn Taylor. Kathryn breaks down her methods to dramatically increase your chances of conceiving the sex of your choice, based on the latest and greatest scientific research. We also unravel the intricate discussion on this matter, recognizing the damage that gender stereotyping has but also recognizing that grieving the idealized child is still a conversation worth having. Resource Links: The Babydust Met
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