Our team is happy to present you the trailer for “The Little Prince”!
We worked on this project for a long time and in the process, it became very dear to our hearts. Each of us worked with great dedication and love: cinematographer, art director, producers, set designers, actors —everyone who contributed to it has reinterpreted the tale in their own way, becoming a valuable part of the project. In a way, the story has come to life for us as well. This September we will release the official version of the film. In the meantime, enjoy the trailer!
Reinterpretation of the philosophical parable “The Little Prince“. A six-year old boy dreams of becoming a pilot more than anything else in the world. His older brother transforms into Antoine de Saint-Exupéry to immerse the boy in a magical dream, where he finds himself on the planet of The Little Prince and starts to realize the real meaning of his desire to fly airplanes.
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