Sorry, I got stuck on this photo! Music: Elysium “Hello, this is Navalny“ #Navalny

Photo taken on 02/18/24 at spontaneous memorial near the abandoned Russian Consulate in Frankfurt am Main. The lyrics of the song are Alexey’s post on Instagram, which he sent from prison: “Prison, as we know is only in our heads and if you think hard, then it becomes clear, that I am not in a prison, but I am space traveling. Judge for yourself, I have a simple, spartan-looking cabin – an iron bed, a table and a nightstand. There is no time for luxury on a spaceship. The cabin door opens only from the command center. People in uniform come to me, they only say a few routine phrases, a light glows on their chests from a turned on video camera - these are androids. I don’t cook food - an automatic trolley delivers it directly to my cabin. My plates and spoons are made of shiny metal. Just like in a movie about space, the ship’s command center communicates with me. That is, literally a voice from the wall through the intercom says: three-zero-two get ready to sanitize. And I say: yeah, okay, in 10 minutes. I’ll just finish my tea. Hi, this is Navalny, I’m fine. In a single cabin, warm and comfortable, I soon be back, people. Therefore, of course, at this moment I realize that I am space traveling, flying to a wonderful new world. Could I, a fan of books and films about space, refuse such a flight, even if it will last for three years? Obviously not. Yes, space travel is dangerous. You can arrive, but there is nothing there. The flight can be much longer due to a navigation error. A random asteroid can destroy the ship and you will die. But help often comes. A Friendly signal. A Hyperspace tunnel, snap - and you are already there. Hugging family and friends in a wonderful new world. There is only one big difference with space films. I have no weapons at all. What if the xenomorphs attack the ship? I doubt that you can fight them off with a teapot. Perhaps I will sharpen the spoon against the wall. Hi, this is Navalny, I’m fine. In a single cabin, warm and comfortable, I soon be back, people.“
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