The CANCELLED Treasure Planet Sequel...

Yes, you may have heard about this unfinished project but we’re finally talking about it! Being a cult classic from a time of Disney having the industry swept from beneath them, Treasure Planet has been plagued with the worst production luck when it came to making this movie. From the recurrent pitch rejections from Disney Execs, to the switch from traditional 2D animation to CGI 3D, and then the box office flop that ultimate killed the DVD sequels, this franchise never really had much of a chance. But what COULD have been? What plans were there to go next? And does Disney acknowledge the fan success and quality of the first movie after 100 years of Studio activity? Well come find out as we go through the history and showcase some artwork for The CANCELLED Treasure Planet Sequel... Uploads constantly! - LINKTREE: #dazzreviews #TreasurePlanet #CANCELLEDMovies #TreasurePlanet2 #Disney #CANCELLEDTreasurePlanet #animatedmovie #LostMedia #animation #ProductionDetails With writing assistance from James Horscroft. MORE VIDEOS: ►The Pokemon Movie That Was Abandoned...: ►So... Monsters Inc Released Another Expansion...: ►The New Despicable Me 4 Trailer Is Tactically Hiding Something...: ►Zack Snyder Is Coming Back To Animation....: LINKS: 👉 LINKTREE: 👉 DazzReviews2: 👉 Twitch: 👉 TikTok: @dazzreviews1 👉 Twitter: 👉 Instagram: 👉 Discord: ...I wonder how impactful the movie would have been if it actually happened...
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