Never Seen A Place So Bombarded, Says Norwegian Refugee Council Chief About Gaza | Dawn News English

Norwegian Refugee Council Chief Jan Egeland, who is in Gaza for the first time since October 7, expressed his shock at the relentless bombardment and the prolonged suffering of a trapped population. He remarked, “I have never seen a place so bombarded for such a long time with such a trapped population without any escape. People are traumatized beyond belief. I’m pretty shaken, actually, from what I saw.“ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dawn News English is your window into the latest news, insight, and features from South Asia and beyond. Official Facebook: Official Twitter: Website: Official Instagram: #norway #israel #gaza #israelpalestineconflict #norwegian #refugees #israelhamasconflict #middleeast #news #latestnews #dawnnewsenglish #dawnnews
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