Labour Party Conference (1949)

Unused / unissued footage - dates and locations may be unclear or unknown. Cuts from newsreel 49/47 - Labour Party Conference in Blackpool, Lancashire. Several shots of Herbert Morrison, Leader of the House of Commons, making his speech at the Labour Party Conference. He says that there is room for criticism of the socialised industries and that the past four years of work on the international field is now showing some results. He says that it is essential to raise production, refers to the aims in “Let Us Face the Future“ and continues to state what the Labour Party intends to do giving the five aims of socialism:- 1 - Peace, 2 - Raising standard of Life, 3 - Full Employment, 4 - Greater Equality and Social Justice, 5 - Active democracy. Prime Minister Clement Attlee sits hunched over desk beside Morrison, pipe in mouth. Bored woman sitting behind Morrison seems to be losing the will to live. She gets out her newspaper to read at one point. General view of conference applauding. (Full tra
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