Your confidence3 Micah 7:5

Your confidence3 Micah 7:5 Do not trust a neighbor; put no confidence in a friend. Even with the woman who lies in your embrace guard the words of your lips. As we examine the book of Micah chapter 7 we see a very terrible time in the nation of Israel the character of men and women had deteriorated very badly much as the character of Many Men and many women today has deteriorated badly. In Micah’s day because of the sin, the disobedience, the rejection of God’s word and God’s promises, and God’s will, the Prophet now has to instruct the people that they can have no confidence or trust in their neighbor. It is a bad thing my brother or my sister when we go from trustworthy, to untrustworthy, when we go from faithful, to unfaithful, when we go from with the Lord, to against the Lord. My prayer for every child of God reading these words and hearing these words be on your guard the adversary wants to take us from where we are supposed to be and have us in a place that we are not supposed
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