Corona Barathri - To Xifos tou Thanatou (single, 2023)

“Thanatos! Archeos Theos, whose Coming is inevitable. The Unforgiving One, the One who brings Death on his wings! Guide my spirit through the paths known only to the dead!“ We present to your attention a new single of the occult project CORONA BARATHRI from the upcoming album “IMMERSIO IN CALIGINEM”, which we plan to present this year. The ritual work is dedicated to the manifestation of Death and the night of the Autumn Equinox. Music composed by Ilya Affectvs (Corona Barathri) and Ashtoreth Female vocals by Erszebeth and Alexandra Fauho Ancient lyre by Gregory «Harpocrates» Drakopoulos Mastered by Ronald Mariën Photo by The Trustees of the British Museum
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