In this lesson, Andrew Joseph Keith talks about sculpting facial expressions in clay and gives you 10 tips to nail it. He points out how important it is to get anatomy right, use references, and pay extra attention to features like the eyes and mouth. He also talks about things like playing around with textures, keeping proportions in check, and looking at how things blend together.
Want more? Well there’s plenty of premium content available in the full course so check it out -
00:00 - Intro
00:23 - Tip 1: Facial Anatomy of the Skull
00:59 - Tip 2: References
01:21 - Tip 3: Solid Fondation
01:54 - Tip 4: Focus on the Eyes
02:28 - Tip 5: Mouth & Lips
03:11 - Tip 6: Texture
03:41 - Tip 7: Proportions
04:12 - Tip 8: Transitions
04:46 - Tip 9: Use a Mirror
05:11 - Tip 10: Make the Expression You’re Sculpting
06:13 - Assignment
06:20 - Outro
Add some emotion to a portrait sculpture! You can either start from scratch with a new sculpture or tweak an existing one to give it more character. Make sure to submit your work to the Proko community for a chance to be featured in the critique! -
Sculpting a Simplified Skull Step by Step - • Sculpting a Simplified Skull Step by ...
Taking Your Own Photo References for Sculpture - • Taking Your Own Photo References for ...
How to Sculpt the Eye - • How to Sculpt the Eye
How to Sculpt the Mouth - • How to Sculpt the Mouth
#portraitsculpting #sculptingtips #traditionalsculpting
This portrait sculpting course will dive deep into the techniques and principles that will help you master the portrait. Portrait sculpting is one of the most difficult challenges that visual artists can take on but if you follow the lessons and do the corresponding assignments you’ll be surprised how fast you will improve.
Instructional How to Sculpt videos for artists. These sculpting lessons are approachable enough for beginners and detailed enough for advanced artists. My philosophy is to teach timeless concepts in an entertaining way. I believe that when you are having fun, you learn better. I take pride in producing high quality videos that you will enjoy watching and re-watching. If you want to learn more about drawing check out my other YouTube channel: Proko - / prokotv
Artist | Instructor - Andrew Joseph Keith ()
Producer - Andrew Joseph Keith, Charlie Nicholson ( / shloogorgh )
Script & editing - Andrew Joseph Keith
Model images courtesy of
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