Anakin Skywalker | Bleeding Out

Subtitles available! So growing up there were two franchises that I knew I never wanted to touch/watch, one of which was Star Wars and there was a certain pride I had in having never seen to it tbh. But then a friend sat me down and watched all six films with me in two days and well, I got it and I liked them. George Lucas described SW as a soap opera, a family drama and that’s what I liked about it, not the spaceship battles, particularly the story about Anakin. Although it may surprise some people here, considering I’m a huge fan of revenge, and “kill them all”, I’m also a sucker for stories of love, redemption, and forgiveness and to me, Star Wars is a story about love at the end of the day. And well, it does also have some nice revenge too :D So after I finished the series I immediately started an edit to ‘Bleeding Out’ but then abandoned it because I was like, there is no way that I will have enough footage to edit the entire song and I don’t want to cut out any verses because
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