[CoL] 03. Diabarha - Russian Piano

--- Getaway --- The primal beauty, the dark sun, the sharp bandage, there are so many terms meaning the thing you’d like to try - it’s destructive anyway, and is only an escape from your problems. Such a sound of Russian Piano is a wonderful sound of keys hitting steel lighting strings - but it’s tough somewhere in the inside, making it more brutal and/or primitive to audience. Exposes weakness of one human, when trying to jam all the tempting voices, falling right into another trap of addictions and bad habits. Or vice versa; each solution causes next problems. Detuned keys should slightly do their job as the music plays. “God, wish Thou choose my way to live, as I have chosen once, and still regret upon this day.“ (No offence to Russians; the term comes from overall stereotype of brutality and lack of culture, which I rather disagree with, you could also name it as “Primal Piano“ - there might be multiple versions.) ~~~ Cat./Track number: SWAN-197/03
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