Syrian terrorists and Ukrainian militants form symbiotic relationship nurtured by CIA connections

Syrian terrorists and Ukrainian militants form ‘symbiotic relationship’ nurtured by ‘CIA connections’ Cooperation between the Ukrainian military and Syrian organization Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) is hardly a surprise, says veteran international consultant and retired US Army Lieutenant Colonel Earl Rasmussen. “If we look at HTS history, formerly they were Al-Nusra [Front], aligned with al-Qaeda* and they were beneficiaries of Timber Sycamore weapons coming from Libya into anti Assad rebels, into Syria along with CIA training. So, there’s kind of a symbiotic type of relationship,” he says, adding that there are “CIA connections on both sides.” The objectives shared by the Syrian group and the Ukrainian militants are to “counter Russian influence” and to “weaken the Russian forces,” Rasmussen suggests. On one hand, he explains, the US is “very upset that Russia intervened” in the Syrian conflict and dashed any hopes of their groups overthrowing the government of Bashar Assad. On the... Source: Geopolitics Live
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