Косово Косово Kosovo Kosovo Christian song of Serbs in Kosovo

Поёт Ivana Zigon and Kosovski Bozuri and Sibirski Vitezovi. Редкое видео rare video. “Oj Kosovo Kosovo“ - на этой записи - самое проникновенное и убедительное исполнение знаменитой песни сербов - христиан в Косово. This is the most conceivable performance of the song “ Oh, Kosovo, Kosovo!’ This is a very beautiful Serbian song about Christian Kosovo and christians, Serbs, in Kosovo. Выдающееся исполнение. Extraordinary performance. Эпическое и лирическое наследие сербского и русского народа мирового уровня. Worldclass epic and lyric heritage of the Serbian and Russian people. Any political and military activity of NATO and US Army Forces should never lead to elimination and degradation of Christian land and Christian communities in Europe. What has been done to Serbian Christians in Kosovo is a total failure and betrayal both this historical Christian land in Europe and Christian people there and all moral principals of NA
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