B.C. Rich KKW7 Kerry King Warlock Signature 7 Trans Black w/Tribal Fire Slayer guitar close up video

Here is a close up video of 2010 B.C. Rich KKW7 Kerry King Warlock Signature 7 guitar. For sale at Oxford Guitars: Please click like, leave a comment and subscribe to my channel for more guitar videos. Thanks for watching. Follow Oxford Guitars on: Facebook: Instagram: @oxfordguitars The guitar is for sale at . If you are interested in buying it, please click the link below: Or visit my shop: Will ship worldwide - message me and I will check how much it will cost to ship it to you. Up for sale is quite rare 2010 BC Rich KKW7 Kerry King Warlock Signature 7 in stunning Trans Black with Tribal Fire finish. Top quality with top specs signature model from B.C. Rich, next one up would be USA custom shop for a lot more money. This is quite rare 7 string signature Warlock that was in production for only a couple of years. It is long discontinued and as Kerry King ha
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