SpaceX Starship Boca Chica 2021 10 20 Live The Excitement Highlight Reel (NEW)

SOUND UP!!! A fast 4 minute compilation of all the launches captured by Maria and John since Hoppy’s first flight. A GALLERY SHOW SPECIAL! #BOCACHICATOMARS Hi, it’s BocaChica Maria here. John’s production and edit has brought tears to my eyes remembering the hops, bringing back years of memories. Before John, or my awesome followers and the recent moral and financial support of my Patreon’s, I really felt alone. This production is full of fun memories especially knowing I have so much help and support. Those that I helped or supported on the way up and from our yard in the midst of the rocket shipyard disappeared with our past life except for 2 or 3 dedicated friends, John is one of them. Thank you John for bringing my historical work of past and present to those that follow. I can’t tell you folks the feeling I get looking at this clips. For Chapter 2, Ray, Mr. BocaChica, towed our boat down from Alaska, and she’s at our boat dock he
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