Kauri Tribe. 7 WONDERS OF THE WORLD. TEMPLE OF ARTEMIS at the Ossama Shahin’s New Year Hafla

Kauri Tribe duet at the Ossama Shahin’s New Year Hafla with the dance performance “7 wonders of the world. Temple of Artemis“. Music: Phil Thornton and Hossam Ramzy. “At the Gates of the Citadel“. Choreography: Anahit (Karina Malysheva). * * * * * * * Каури Трайб дуэт на новогодней Хафле Оссамы Шахина с постановкой “7 чудес света. Храм Артемиды“. Музыка: Phil Thornton and Hossam Ramzy. “At the Gates of the Citadel“. Хореография: Анаит (Карина Малышева). * * * * * * * Contacts: FB: VK: Ig: * * * * * * * #kauristudio #kauridance #kauritribe
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