Steve on Islamist Violence: “Go HOME If You Cannot Tolerate Free Speech!”

Steve of Speaker’s Corner delivers a speech to the crowd on 3rd July 2022 at Speakers Corner, admonishing those attendants responding with violence when offended by words; he reminds them of the fact that Speakers Corner is and has always been a place where people are free express their opinion. 3rd July 2022, Speakers Corner, Hyde Park, London. Further context: Christian preacher, outspoken critic of Islam and Speakers Corner regular, Hatun Tash, was arrested on the 26th June 2022 after an attendant at the Sunday event called the police on her. Hatun was strip searched and held in a jail cell until 4 am, then released without charge. Hatun reports that earlier that day her copy of the Quran was stolen from her hands, but the police arrested her rather than respond to the alleged property theft. Police are called on Hatun again a week later, on the 3rd of July, despite no crime being committed. ---- Thanks for watching the video. If you’d like to show your support plea
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