Собираю ростера Тиранид индекса 10 редакции!
Собираю ростера Тиранид на 1000pts и 2000pts индекса 10 редакции warhammer 40K! А так же коротко рассказываю как таким играть.
Данное видео является продолжением этих видео:
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1 ростер
Hive Tyrant (220) Warlord
1x Monstrous bonesword and lash whip
1x Heavy venom cannon
Maleceptor (165 points)
Haruspex (125 points)
Exocrine (135 points)
Deathleaper (80 points)
Zoanthropes (180 points)
1x Neurothrope 5x Zoanthrope
1xPyrovore (30 points)
1xPyrovore (30 points)
2 ростер
Old One Eye (140 points) Warlord
Carnifexes (250 points)
2x Bio-plasma
2x Carnifex scything talons
2x Heavy venom cannon
2x Spine banks
Exocrine (135 points)
Maleceptor (165 points)
Zoanthropes (180 points)
1x Neurothrope 5x Zoanthrope
Deathleaper (80 points)
Barbgaunts (50 points)
3 ростер
Hive Tyrant (220) Warlord
1x Monstrous bonesword and lash whip
1x Heavy venom cannon
Tyrant Guard (95 points)
Haruspex (125 points)
Haruspex (125 points)
Exocrine (135 points)
Exocrine (135 points)
Maleceptor (165 points)
Maleceptor (165 points)
Zoanthropes (180 points)
1x Neurothrope 5x Zoanthrope
Zoanthropes (180 points)
1x Neurothrope 5x Zoanthrope
Deathleaper (80 points)
Raveners (75 points)
Raveners (75 points)
Biovores (65 points)
Trygon/ Zoanthropes (180 points)
4 ростер
Hive Tyrant (220) Warlord
1x Monstrous bonesword and lash whip
1x Heavy venom cannon
Perfectly adapted (15 points)
Old One Eye (140 points)
Deathleaper (80 points)
Tyrant Guard (95 points)
Maleceptor (165 points)
Haruspex (125 points)
Exocrine (135 points)
Exocrine (135 points)
Biovore (65 points)
Biovore (65 points)
Raveners (75 points)
Raveners (75 points)
Carnifexes (250 points)
2x Bio-plasma
2x Carnifex scything talons
2x Heavy venom cannon
2x Spine banks
2x Xenos claws and teeth
Zoanthropes (180 points)
1x Neurothrope 5x Zoanthrope
Zoanthropes (180 points)
1x Neurothrope 5x Zoanthrope