Something Different -「AMV」- Anime MV

For subtitles, please turn on the captions (CC). Hello everyone, hope you’re all having a wonderful day/night. ^^ We’re at the end of the year, it’s mesmerizing to think how fast the time flew. To me it felt like we were just at the start of the new year and now it’s already time for the last AMV of the year. Speaking of which, I really loved making this AMV. ^^ Thanks to @GunBoiKaz for giving me this opportunity by submitting his amazing song to me to work on! I really loved the song so much and how the lyrics are written here. Something Different is a song which tells about a wavering relationship between a girl and a boy on which how it started and how it lost touch as time goes on. I tried to make something which tells about how important it is to be with someone or something while they’re still staying by our side. Also, I created a new end screen this time, hope you’ll like it. ^^ And finally, happy New Year everyone! 🎊🎉 I pray that we’ll stay t
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