“The Father“ by Florian Zeller. English discussion club

Спикеры: Анастасия Рудь и Дарина Гоптарева 20 апреля 2021, 19:00​ Ростов-на-Дону, к\ц “Большой“ A watch. A painting. A chicken dinner. A snippet of conversation. Florian Zeller makes his directorial debut with “The Father”, which he adapts to the screen with Christopher Hampton and is based on Zeller’s own play. To be honest, he has nothing cozy in mind. As the uncomfortably familiar story goes, we observe the heartbreaking mental decline of a beloved parent. Any kind of emotional distance is impossible here. Combining mystery and psychodrama, “The Father” is a majestic depiction of things falling away: people, surroundings and time itself are becoming ever more slippery. The film is primarily told from the perspective of Anthony, who becomes disoriented, angry, and frustrated when he recalls specific memories that don’t seem to line up with what he’s being told. The audience sees his interactions with several people, but it becomes increasingly clear that Anthony is experiencing several moments in time a
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