Adulterer?! I hardly know ’er!
Starring Charlotte Bloomsbury ()
with Reb Day as Wife (@RebDay)
and Jim Caddick as John Chestman (@Caddicarus)
Written and Directed by Thomas ’TomSka’ Ridgewell (@TomSka)
and Eddie ’Eddache’ Bowley (@eddache)
Cinematography and Colour Grading by Ciaran O’Brien ()
Edited by Elliot Gough (@ItsElliotGough)
and Kai Newton (@KaiPie)
Music by Todd ‘LilDeuceDeuce’ Bryanton (@LilDeuceDeuce)
Sound Design by Dan Pugsley ()
Visual Effects by John Huffnagle (@Dangerhoof)
and Dave Brain (@guksack)
Location Management and Ninjas by Dan Layton (@DanLayton)
CONTENT WARNINGS: Mild gore, disturbing imagery, & threat, one naughty word, and a partridge in a pear tree.
Secondary Channel (@TomSkaAndFriends)
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3 weeks ago 00:03:57 46
Britney Spears - ...Baby One More Time (Official Video)