Ashes (God of War) Bear McCreary, Eivør Pálsdóttir - Nordic Viking Music - Sony OST - GOW Ragnarok

Home: Song: Ashes | Nordic Music Vikings Valhalla - OST Soundtrack Game: God of War Ragnarok - GOW | Sony Composer: Bear McCreary, Vocals by Eivør Pálsdóttir Ashes (Lyrics) ÞIð finnið leið Fetið sannleikans með Æskulög þín Eini harmur minn er Hríð og uppgerð (uppgjöf?) Brotin efndi ég til Siðar munt sjá Und frelsaðu þér von móður Siðar munt sjá hana Frelsa munt þér Fylg minni leið Hey til sannleikans beð Æskuljóð þín Eini harmur minn er Ashes (Lyrics) You must find your way walk beside the truth Your corners of law my only regret hail and falsehood I committed the breakup later you will see Free yourself mother’s hope later you will see Free yourself follow your path Not to bed of truth Your corners of law my only regret
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