Cruz and Jason Meister Has Ominous Warning For President Trump…

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), Merrick Garland will likely charge President Trump soon, but not for allegedly illegally holding classified claims that Garland will attempt to use ‘obstruction of justice’ in relation to the holding of the documents— Cruz went on to say that this is a “crime about a non-crime.” Jason D. Meister shared a similar sentiment: “President Trump is trouncing DeSantis. Rasmussen, Emerson, Harvard-Harris, ABC Washington Post polls are all seeing the same thing. No candidate is getting a 30 to 45-point-swing. Team DeSantis is banking on Merrick Garland using lawfare to imprison Donald Trump. That’s literally their strategy. DeSantis was fed bad polling data. He made poor decisions based on flawed assumptions and he’s going to pay the price for it.”
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