8 Simple Pronunciation RULES to Speak English Clearly 🇬🇧 Powerful! 🇬🇧 (Part 2)
⚠️ Beware! Rule #8 is going to blow your mind!! ...In this video you are going to learn 8 really simple pronunciation rules that you NEVER learnt at school! These will help you speak English more clearly and become more easily understood by native speakers.
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Learn all the sounds, pronunciation techniques, stress and linking that will help you to speak English clearly and accurately, and understand fast-speaking natives easily.
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🔵 PART 1: 8 Simple Pronunciation RULES To Speak English Clearly 🇬🇧 (Powerful!)
🔵 8 Silent Letter RULES… with (almost) NO EXCEPTIONS!
🔵 How do people from Yorkshire speak English?
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00:00 Pronunciation Rule 1: Words that are nouns and verbs
01:41 Pronunciation Rule 2: Words ending -TION and -SION
2:40 Pronunciation Rule 3: The -ABLE suffix
3:55 Pronunciation Rule 4: The -ISE suffix
5:08 Pronunciation Rule 5: Compound Adjectives
6:36 Pronunciation Rule 6: How to pronounce the word THE
7:59 Pronunciation Rule 7: Abbreviations
9:28 Pronunciation Rule 8: How to pronounce 13 and 30
11:15 Pronunciation Quiz
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Look at this word. How do you pronounce this word? Well, actually, there are two different ways that we can pronounce this, and it all depends on whether we are using it as a noun or a verb. So look at these two examples here. The increase in unemployment was shocking. They increased the prices by 10%. Okay, in the first example, we’re using increase as a noun, so we stress the first syllable increase. In the second example, we’re using it as a verb. So we stress the second syllable increase. They increased the prices. Now, this rule is true for other words that can be both a noun and verb. So, for example, you can see an attendance record on the school app. I record my videos inside my office. Record when it’s a noun, record when it’s a verb. We stress the first syllable for a noun and the second syllable for a verb. Thanks for the birthday present. Present. As a noun, we stress the first syllable. And let me present you with eight simple pronunciation rules that you never learnt at school.
Yes, this is part two, because I’ve already done a lesson on eight simple pronunciation rules to speak English clearly and also a video on eight silent letter rules. So make sure you watch those videos after this one. You can find the links in the description. Okay, we’ve looked at rule number one. For rule number two, I want you to tell me which is the stressed syllable in these words. Collaboration, cooperation, demonstration, fiction, modernisation, organisation, presumption, television, vision. Now, I often hear students having problems pronouncing these words because they try to put the stress on the first or second syllable of these words. But with words that end shin or jun, we put the stress on the penultimate syllable. So not the last syllable, but the one before that. Listen again. Competition, demonstration, fiction, nation, television, vision. Okay, it doesn’t matter how long the word is. The stressed syllable is the penultimate one in these words.
OK, look at this little sentence here. Are you able to put the vegetables on the table?
Are you able to put the vegetables on the table? Now, in other words, able and table, the able is not a suffix. A suffix is just a little bit that we add to the end of words like -tion or -sion and -able. Now, when it’s a suffix, we pronounce it /ə/ with the schwa sound. You need to practise the schwa sound for this, the schwa sound.
[... Due to character limit, the rest of this transcription is unavailable]
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Your British English Teacher,
~ Greg 😀
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