Slow TV Made In Norway | A Walk Around Ingafjellet, Finnmark | No Music, Only Nature Sounds

Slow TV made in Northern Norway. This is my first attemt of making a slow-tv video of a walk in real time. There are no added sound effects - only nature I meet on my way. Some singing birds, a bit of wind, the sound of waves and of course sounds of me, walking (...maybe some heavy breathing when I’m going up the hill). It’s a warm and sunny day on an arctic island, Ingøy, 71 degrees north, in the start of June. I do enjoy being here - you can walk for hours and not meet a single person. The video isn’t perfect - the camera is jumping and occasionaly you can see my funny shadows (my favourite is the ’chicken shape’ shadow!), but I hope you’ll enjoy it as it is, let me know what you think! You can use the video as your background to relaxation, meditation, knitting, studying and more! Equipment: Gopro 9
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