Cleaning the Interior of a Gourd

Once you have scrubbed that dried gourd and got it sparkling clean it’s time to open it up and get dirty again! Cleaning the interior of a gourd can be just as much work as cleaning the exterior, but I will show you how to get the job done as quickly and effortlessly as possible. By Bernadette Fox for Brief Instructions: 1. Put on safety gear! Dust mask and goggles are a must. An apron, gloves, and an open window or fan are also good ideas. 2. Open gourd with keyhole saw, reciprocating saw (at medium to low speed), or a rotary tool with a cutting bur. 3. Use an old melon baller, leather scraper, or similar tool to get the seeds and large pieces of dried membrane out. 4. Use rough sand paper to scrape out the remainder of the dried membrane. 5. Take high grit sandpaper to smooth out the gourd. You’re done!
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