Flag cichlids, peacock bass, penguin tetras and piranha habitat - Mamoré Lagoon

This lagoon in the Rio Mamoré is a spectacular habitat, home to many species of popular aquarium fish. See scale eating piranhas (Cataprion mento), peacock bass (Cichlia pleiozona), dwarf cichlid (Apistogramma erythrura), flag cichlids / festivum (Mesonauta festivus), penguin tetra (Thayeria obliqua) Moenkhausia and many other fish in nature! Index: 00:00 Introduction, the Rio Mamoré lagoon 01:36 habitat of flag cichlids or festivum, Mesonauta festivus in nature 03:02 habitat of Apistogramma erythrura in nature 03:42 habitat of severum, Heros spurius in nature 03:51 habitat of Geophagus, Satanoperca pappaterra in nature 04:07 habitat of Moenkhausia lepidura in nature 04:14 habitat of scale eating piranha, Cataprion mento in nature 04:56 habitat of lobetooth piranha, Pygopristis denticulatus in nature 05:08 habitat of penguin tetra, Thayeria obliqua in nature 03:47 habitat of pencil fish, Nanostomus unitaeniatus in nature 05:27 habitat of emerald bloodfin tetra, Aphyocharax rathbuni in nature 05:34 habitat of needle fish, Potamorraphis eigenmanni in nature 05:40 habitat of spotted stingray , Potamotrygon motoro in nature 05:56 habitat of peacock bass , Cichla pleiozona in nature Buy the Xingu book: video: Also check out our other videos of other famous fish in nature: DISCUS IN NATURE GOLD NUGGET PLECO collecting - ( Baryancistrus xanthellus ) Orinoco Aquascape: Orinoco Delta: Predator Pool: Heros in nature: Rummynose in nature: CARDINALS in nature - ( Paracheirodon axelrodi ) APISTOGRAMMA in nature - ( Apistogramma alacrina ) CORYDORAS in nature - ( Corydoras habitat destruction ) STINGRAYS collecting in nature - ( Potamotrygon motoro ) BLUE RAMS in nature - ( Mikrogeophagus ramirezi )
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