1970s Louisiana, Horse Racing, Deep South, Creole and Cajun Culture

970s Louisiana, Horse Racing, Deep South, Creole and Cajun Culture from the Kinolibrary Archive Film Collections. Clip ref AB41. For commercial projects only. To order the clip clean and high res, or to find out more, visit . Available in SD. Subscribe for more high quality, rare and inspiring clips from our extensive archive of footage. EXT ranch, cowboys with horses. Boy in riding hat. Boys get onto horses, prepare to race. African American guys in cowboy hats smoking and drinking beer. Leisure, pastimes, gambling. Horse racing. Find more archive footage os Southern States 1960s - 1980 here: Kinolibrary is a commercial archive film agency supplying high quality, rare and inspiring footage to media professionals. Our collections cover a wealth of eclectic and intriguing themes, locations and eras. Visit for more info. WEBSITE: TWITTER:
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