New Royal Mint Aka Britain’s New Decimal Coinage And New Mint (1968)

No title. New Royal Mint - Britain’s new decimal coinage and new mint. London and Wales. L/S the Royal Mint. C/U name and crest of Royal Mint. C/U of new decimal coins. Camera zooms in to show coin reversed showing the Queen’s head. M/S Christopher Ironside (designer of new coins) and J.H. James (Deputy Chief of the Mint) looking at photographs of the new coins. C/U Mr. Ironside. C/U Mr. James. C/U Large plaster cast of the new coins. Extreme C/U of line of the five new coins. C/U pan showing the halfpenny, penny, two pence, five pence and ten pence coins. C/U ten penny coin and five penny coin, beside them is the florin and a shilling which are the same denomination and size. M/S Home Secretary Jim Callaghan (James Callaghan) laying the foundation stone for the new Royal Mint at Llantrisant in South Wales. M/S audience clapping. C/U Mr. Callaghan holding up a new coin, he then places it behind the foundation stone. Panning shot showing the girder work of the new building. M/S Mr. Callag
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