Sherlock/John | Illuminated

Oh my god, the finale. The last minutes... So, new fandom. I watched all the episodes yesterday and I’ve been doing this crapy vid today because i needed to vid them. They are epic. I really don’t know what to say abut the end. I just wanna ABSKBAHJVSJHAVSHGAIKS kill sherlock myself, because john was so broken, and I cried so much... But I guess it was worth it to heard john say all the amazing things he said. And they holding hands bahsvhjavsjhas. And fucking yes. I ship them so romantically it hurts. Friends? ha. The bbc is not hiding the gayness anymore, all the fucking shows. Gosh, i love it. I am not good at editing this kind of songs, so I made it pretty simple, but hope you enjoy it anyways:) Watch it in hd, because the quality is crap. - Details at the end of the video. Feedback is really appreciated.
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