Selena Gomez Opens Up About Devastating Impact of Australia Trip on Mental Health

In a recent interview with Vogue Australia, Selena Gomez revealed how a trip to Australia in 2016 had a devastating impact on her mental health. She was on tour at the time and was constantly being photographed and scrutinized by the media. “I was so stressed out that I started having panic attacks,“ she said. “I felt like I was constantly being judged for my appearance. I was so insecure about my body.“ Gomez’s mental health struggles were further exacerbated by the fact that she was away from her family and friends. She also felt like she couldn’t be herself in Australia. “I felt like I had to be perfect all the time,“ she said. “I couldn’t just relax and be myself. I was always worried about what people were thinking of me.“ Gomez’s experience in Australia is a reminder of the pressure that women face to look a certain way. She is one of many celebrities who have spoken out about the negative impact that body image expectat
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