Micon ~ Flying (1996) • [cs rip] • [new age / ambient]

00:00 Flying (Полёт) 08:46 Мистическая сфера: Незах (Mysteric Sphere: Nezach) 20:51 Далекая Радуга (Distant Rainbow) 25:10 Мечта об Авалоне (Dream Of Avalon) 27:48 Рассвет (Rising) 31:45 Внутренние Пространства (Inner Spaces) Микон ~ Полёт Микон-Полёт reissue by the russian label NADA Ltd., originally released at Aquamarin Verlag, 1995 in Germany one more cassette from my huge post-soviet new age box. again, a properly licensed reissue from famous Aquamarin Verlag label (mostly known these days as the publisher of Klaus Wiese). same way as with Anugama, everything is translated to russian here, including the artist’s bio on the inside of j-card. it says he was a pretty skilled musician already when he turned to New Age genre and spent eight years studying healing, hypnosis, psychology and different spiritual practices. sounds just the way it should be! the music is like this
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