HOW TO REFRESH FACE AT15 MINUTES? Ideal facial mask for rejuvenation.

Today we will make soothing, anti-inflammatory masks to restore and regenerate the skin after sun exposure. I will show you how to make the perfect mask for skin rejuvenation. You will receive instant refreshing of the skin of the face. Also, be sure to watch the video where I tell you how to take care of your face in the summer at home. More of my videos that could be interesting: - How to increase SKIN FIRMNESS without INJECTIONS. Face lift at home - DO NOT DO THIS EVER !! DANGEROUS AND SAFE NECK EXERCISES. GYMNASTICS FOR THE NECK - HONEY FACE MASSAGE. FAST FACE REJUVENATION | HOW TO REMOVE PIGMENTAL SPOTS AND ACNE SCARS - HOW TO REMOVE WRINKLES AT 10 MINUTES A DAY. FACE LIFTING. MASSAGE FACE MASK - HOW TO REMOVE WRINKLES QUICKLY. GET RID OF SKIN FOLDS AND WRINKLES Overnight - HAND MASSAGE AND NATURAL MASK FOR HAND REJUVENATION
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