What are the Benefits and risks of a kidney transplant || Shri Ram Medical College.

The kidneys, which are two bean-shaped organs, are responsible for filtering blood and eliminating waste and excess water as urine. When kidney function declines, however, waste products and excess fluid build up in the body, which can raise blood pressure and put you at risk for renal failure. High-risk groups for kidney failure include those with diabetes, high blood pressure, renal scarring, or polycystic kidney disease. Dialysis, or maybe a kidney transplant, is the greatest approach to rid the body of waste products if renal failure sets in. In people who are otherwise healthy, a kidney transplant is the gold standard treatment for renal failure. Kidney failure can occur if the body’s waste fluids and minerals are not properly filtered out and removed by the kidneys. Kidney transplantation is the treatment of choice in such cases. It is possible to replace a failing kidney with a healthy one through a surgical procedure known as a kidney transplant. Living or deceased donors are both opt
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