Scream Fortress 2021

Well, here we go. 15 hours and 49 minutes. For ~15 minutes of usable footage. These were literally all of the even remotely entertaining bits (at least for someone out there) during that time. The rest of the time was spent either waiting for something to happen or being straight up angry. And the bits of chats you saw? Real thoughts from me. And I didn’t even cover the bots this time because there were so many of them ( one script kiddie). I am now going to make this absolutely clear: I don’t want to spend more time with the current state of TF2. I am genuinely tired of seeing all the bots, script kiddies, bugs and... “disagreeable people”while getting frustrated if not straight up mad at all the “inconveniences” this game is currently “offering” me. I’ll come back around to TF2 when Valve actually does something noticeable. In the meantime, I’ll start delivering more on my promises of posting videos about other games. I actually have a massive backlog of footage from other games saved up from the las
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