David Deacon "No Never Mind" [Lyric Video]

David Deacon. Blues and Roots music attached to a 6’5” rangy and rugged looking guy. He has a voice that sounds like it could have an atomic decay number attached to it. His bluesy, old-school rock/ballad storytelling spends time digging into the psyche of both someone who has travelled a lot of roads and the people who he met along the way. If you like Dire Straits or Tom Waits, maybe Leonard Cohen (if he rode motorcycles), Dylan for sure, perhaps Van Morrison, you will definitely love this. David’s life has been a mix of writing poetry and songs, doing paintings, pen and inks and drawings, all while trying to make a living--but not getting too tied up in the places where he worked so his ideas had a place for themselves. He’s also managed to fit in some heavy risk taking along the way. David left university after determining his interest in art was greater than his interest in a degree and he went to Paris to study art. His work got better and better but his expectations of himself grew even greater look
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