Atom Test (1956)

Pinewood Stock Cans material - Possibly Australia. Allied soldiers and scientists observe a Nuclear weapons test near Maralinga. VS Scientists arrive by plane and are met by military officers. MS Road sign pointing to ’London Road’. VS of hangers and barracks built from corrugated iron. CU sign ’Maralinga Village Post Office’. MS man removing letters from small Post Box. VS scenes around camp - man having hair cut, cooks preparing food for canteen, soldiers eating. VS a Landrover is driven at speed across sandy land. Aerial views of military camp. Aerial views of military airfield. MS tank moving across ground. VS of soldiers preparing field artillery guns. VS of tanks and artillery firing shells. Guns are moved into position. VS of construction work underway with bulldozers - appears like shelters are being built. Various structures are built. VS of models of trucks, railway lines, guns, men etc are placed on ground. VS of dummies being placed around. A camera is set up to record what will happen to t
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