Welcome to the Internet: Bo Burnham Animatic (flash/epilepsy warning)

Hi! Hope it’s going well, I watched Bo Burnhams inside approximately at 2 am, and it left me with a deep sense of existential dread, so naturally I felt compelled to make an animatic of a song in it. Besides being an absolute bop, Nothing quite captures the erratic nature of being bombarded with a constant cascade Of information, especially of such varying degrees of severity, I guess pretty much everyone who grew up with the Internet can relate. It’s mysterious and entrancing and I really wanted to make it justice So yeah,, General warning for strong language and flashing lights, All frames were done on procreate, with the final part being a rotoscoped video of myself Edit: I just realized the final part got cut off while doing the shift to filming it separately lol, so I’ll just add it separately as a bonus: Total frames: 222 Meme footage from Cyraneks Meme rewind 2020: Original song :
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