Scottish Cup Semi-Finals (1951)

Tynecastle Park, Edinburgh. Start of the Scottish Cup semi-final football match between Motherwell and Hibernian at Tynecastle Park, Edinburgh. GV. Motherwell kick off, left to right. Motherwell attacking. Ball goes down near Hibernian goal. Players scramble around goal area. Ball passed from Aitkenhead to Watson, who passed to Kelly. Kelly shoots and scores. Players run up field congratulating. Crowd. Back view, McLeod throwing in from touch. Ball headed to Humphries. Ball out of picture. CU. Pan, Humphries running with ball, being chased by Ogilvie. LV. Ogilvie runs in front of goal to attack Watson. Men collide. Ogilvie falls to ground and breaks leg. Crowd. SV. Ambulance men carrying off Ogilvie on stretcher. LV. Hibernian attacking. Ball passed from outside right, goalkeeper saves. Crowd. LV. Reilly scores goal for Hibernian. Crowd cheering. SV. Play in centre of field, ball passed to Humphries who kicks ball out of picture. LV. Forrest with ball, passes to centre in front of goal to Kelly. He shoots
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