Linux on iPad with Raspberry Pi Zero 2W. XRDP and Zram

Linux on iPad with Raspberry Pi Zero 2W. XRDP and Zram See video links below for setting up Remote Desktop with iPad As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases My Amazon UK store US Links Usb c to micro ARKTEK Argon one USB adapter from M.2 comes with this Usb a to c x 2 Usb c 180 adapter (not tried) My iPad UK Links Argon one USB adapter from M.2 comes with this Alternate usb A to micro (not tried) Usb a to c x 2 The white usb A to C I used Usb c to micro ARKTEK My iPad My videos PiPad Pro, Raspberry Pi 4 Remote Desktop with iPad Pi news episode 24. Pockit, plug and play Linux. Speed up your Pi with Zram. Static pi address
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